Just about everything is closed. No mail delivery again today. The DOT and Police have made announcements to stay off the roads.
I'm happy to just stay home, keeping warm and cozy.
Last night for supper - a pot of chicken soup and loaf of fresh bread (new bread recipe and technique for another post).
Tonight it will be chili and cornbread.
Oh my! It's beautiful but it sure creates alot of havoc sometimes.
I must admit that I love this time of year here in Central NY. We're in the process of a noreastern and I just love to watch the snow come down. The icicles look gorgeous hanging from the rooftops.
It's moments like these I'm grateful to be a homemaker and have enough time to enjoy the moment.
Stay safe and warm dear friend. ((big hugs))
That sure was wild, wasn't it? I still have friends who can't get out of their subdivisions! Sure made me think about being prepared to be unable to get to stores and things for an extended period of time. I'm so thankful we didn't lose power. :)
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