Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The New Chapter

Yes, it's been a while.  
What can I say?
Life is busy.  
Too busy.
I need to slow down.  
And I will.  
I am.  

I've been in need of a change from the  11 hours a day / 5 days a week  Childcare schedule that I've been holding to these past several years.  
Being a divorced, single Momma I've had to do what was necessary to survive.  
Thank (God) Yah, for the past 7 years I was able to do this working from home.
But, I'm wearing-out.  I'm tired.  
I've been praying about it.  Praying (God) show me what to do.
He has answered. 
April and May have slowed down a bit.  Still 5 days a week but about 10 hours per day.
June and July will be 3 days a week and probably about 11 hours per day. 
After that, it will be part-time on an as-needed basis.  
This chapter of my life as a childcare provider is coming to a close.
Then I can focus on the next chapter of my life.

It amazes me to watch how He orchestrates our lives when we leave it to Him.  
Who better to take on this task than the One who created me, and what is best for me, and knows me better than I know myself.

I saw the next few months before me and thought I had His plan figured-out.   

When this coming new school year starts, all but 1 FTer would be going to school.  
What I thought was the the plan... 
I would keep the 1 FTer and I wasn't going to take on anymore kiddos. Still 11 hour days.
My Mom was going to move in come September.  She's been having some health issues, and some other things going on.  We have been praying about this for several months.  The move. The timing.  Praying for Yah's will.

Then the sudden upheaval happened...that 1 FTer family took a job out of state. They gave me a 2 week notice, last day being April 4th.  That put me in a difficult financial bind, as I only make just enough to survive as it is.  
No worries!  Yah supplied the need AND gave clarity to His plan.
My Mom is moving in the end of May.
June and July Childcare schedule will be only 3 days a week and probably still 10 - 11 hours per day. 
After that, all kiddos will be in school and Childcare will be part-time on an as-needed basis. (After school pick-up 1-3 days per week for one family and school holidays for the rest of the crew)

I can, then, concentrate on the Childbirth Educator Instructor certification course that I started in March, but have had very little time to focus on due to the 11 hours a day / 5 days per week schedule.

I am super excited about this new chapter in my life.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I am so thankful to have "met" you through you joining Homespun Devotions! I admire your healthy eating principles and disciplined lifestyle. May the dear Lord bless you and supply your every need. It touched me to read of your mother moving in with you. I miss my precious Mom SO much, as Jesus called her to be with him in 2012. We were planning on her coming to stay with us, had she lived and had more time. Enjoy your every moment with your mother!! Cherish those times. It is very difficult to face life without both of my dear, sweet parents. Again, it was wonderful to meet you and read your blog.